I recently attended a webinar hosted by SEMrush in which Brian Lewis, Director of Optimization at SiteTuners, outlined a dozen UX mistakes that he...
You may have heard some scuttlebutt online about some changes being made to online payment gateways. It’s true. Authorize.net has announced it’s...
As the saying goes, “Change is good.”, but in the world of SEO, change - as dictated by Google, Master of the Universe, can be flat out annoying....
Thank you for joining me this early in the day. I hope you have already had your morning scotch, because we have to discuss a particularly important...
So you have a gazillion likes, a trillion fans, and more followers than you can count. High five! If social media was a popularity contest based on...
I’m a very skeptical person, but I’ll always reevaluate my position in the face of new evidence. When I first started working with paid search...
If you’re a small business owner, or work for a small business, you're probably wondering how to get your business on Google. First thing’s first:...
Your website has served you well. You’ve paid to have it created by a professional and it provides the basic information about your company and...
For many B2B companies, the contact page will be one the most visited pages on your website. The traffic is great, but the goal should be to get them...
Do you ever wonder which tools are at an SEO specialists fingertips? As SEO experts, the resources and tools that we use to analyze website’s...